
Program-Related Investment Rules for Private Foundations

For Foundations

This free resource, which covers the basic legal rules for program-related investments, takes about forty-five minutes to complete. The training features Maya, a program officer that helps participants through the course in a way that reflects actual experiences. Participants can return to the training at any time for a refresher and click on the individual modules to refer back to specific topics.

*Please see our post on Technology if you are viewing the course on a mobile device or with Internet Explorer. For optimal performance, we recommend using a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) if you are having issues accessing the course.


Edna Garrett, Assistant General Counsel, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Robert B. Jaquay, Associate Director, George Gund Foundation

Elizabeth Peters, General Counsel

Kristy Tsadick, Associate General Counsel, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Sasha Abrams, General Counsel Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Mary Anne Rodgers, General Counsel

Megan Jellinek, Assistant General Counsel, David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Course Map

  • Introduction to PRIs
  • Legal Requirements for PRIs

  • Due Diligence for PRIs
  • Examples of PRIs

  • Documentation for PRIs
  • Resources

Legal Disclaimer

This material is for general informational purposes only and does not represent legal advice as to any particular set of facts; nor does it represent any undertaking to keep recipients advised of any relevant legal developments. Please consult appropriate professional advisors as you deem necessary. The Foundations shall not be held responsible for any claims or losses that may arise from any errors or omissions in this document.
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