About Learn Foundation Law
In 2010, legal staff at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation joined together to develop a comprehensive training program on legal issues in grantmaking. The goal of this collaboration is to create online, web-based trainings to supplement existing in-person training programs. We identified a shared need for this type of instructional resource and a common desire to collaboratively develop a training system that speaks to a variety of learning styles and organizational training needs.
We developed Learn Foundation Law, a free first-of-its-kind resource for private foundations (and others who are interested), to host e-trainings and tools related to the basic legal rules for private foundations. Most of our e-learnings take less than one hour to complete and feature a program officer named Maya who leads participants through each course. Participants can return to any training at any time for a refresher and click on individual modules to refer back to specific topics. In addition, other e-learnings developed by any one of the foundations may also be hosted on this site.
We hope you find value in this site, as it is intended to be an ongoing project to benefit the field and support the outcomes we seek in the charitable communities served.
We wish to extend special thanks to the many colleagues who have provided invaluable contributions to Learn Foundation Law, including:
Lawrence Mendenhall, General Counsel, Humanity United
Marcus Krawinkler, Director of Information Technology, David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Kathy A.N. Grant, Manager, Application Development and Support, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Barry Weiss, Director of Technology, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Robert Smik, Senior Applications Architect and Lead Developer, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
David Shevlin, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
John N. Bennett, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
The courses on Learn Foundation Law are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution / NonCommercial / NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.