
Advocacy & Lobbying: Rules for Public Charity Grantees of Private Foundations

For Grantees

This free resource is designed for public charities who are seeking funding from a private foundation to support advocacy work. The training takes about twenty minutes to complete. The course features Maya, a program officer at a private foundation, and Alex, a program director at a U.S. public charity, who guide users in learning what constitutes lobbying under IRS rules. Participants can return to the training at any time for a refresher and click on the individual modules to refer back to specific topics.

*Please see our post on Technology if you are viewing the course on a mobile device or with Internet Explorer. For optimal performance, we recommend using a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) if you are having issues accessing the course.


Rebecca Hamburg, Founder, Rebecca Hamburg Consulting

Course Map

  • What Is Advocacy?
  • Lobbying under IRS Rules

  • Funding Options

  • Maximizing Limits

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This material is for general informational purposes only and does not represent legal advice as to any particular set of facts; nor does it represent any undertaking to keep recipients advised of any relevant legal developments. Please consult appropriate professional advisors as you deem necessary. The foundations shall not be held responsible for any claims or losses that may arise from any errors or omissions in this document.
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